At Jonathan C. Wang DDS Inc., your safety is our utmost priority. We strictly follow the guidelines provided by the ADA, CDC, and OSHA as part of our infection control procedures.

Please have a look at the following changes we implemented in our office to help protect our patients and staff.

Virtual Waiting Room

Please give us a call when you arrive, and we will tell you which waiting room to enter through.

Pre-Screening of Every Patient

Before making an appointment, we will pre-screen patients.

Compulsorily Wear a Mask

Make sure to wear a mask whenever you arrive at the dental office.

Expanded Patient Appointments

We will manage appointments in a way that enables us to maintain social distancing between patients.

Sanitize Your Hands

We have a hand sanitizer that we will ask you to use when you enter the office.

Oral Antimicrobial Rinse

Before you sit in the dental chair, you will have to use an oral pre-rinse Peroxyl for about 30 seconds.


We have reinforced our staff and doctor PPE barriers.

Cleaning After Every Appointment

In each operatory, after every patient, we thoroughly wipe, sanitize, and disinfect all instruments, equipment, and surfaces to make everything exceptionally clean as always.

Advanced Staff Training

We have trained our team members regarding additional awareness and also prevention programs.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have in your mind regarding the steps we have taken to make your visit a safe and secure one. Please call Dr. Wang at Jonathan C Wang DDS, inc. in Pleasanton, Ca at (925) 399-6835 or request an appointment online.